3 research outputs found

    Effective management of a learning organization: creating opportunities for informal learning

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    Changes in innovation and technology, globalization processes, increasing competition determine changes in the activities of learning organizations (educational institutions). Effective management helps manage these changes and meet emerging challenges. The concept of learning organizations is closely related to future perspectives, perceptions of an institution that is constantly evolving and changing. Those changes affect not only the institution itself but also its employees who need to change, improve, and meet the challenges that arise with it. In order to overcome such changes, not only the purposeful lifelong learning is important, but also the self-directed learning. In both cases, this can only be achieved with innovative and focused leadership that facilitates a variety of forms of employee learning. The essence of effective management in learning organizations is related to the goals pursued jointly both by the organization itself and its employees because otherwise it will be difficult to improve and change. With this in mind, the aim of the article is to identify effective management solutions that help to improve the self-learning of employees in this case the teachers. To achieve the goal, the tasks are formulated to discuss the concepts of effective management and learning organization, to describe the theoretical aspects of self-learning; to reveal the self-learning strategies of the learning organization which is the school. Thus, the research highlighted the opportunities provided by the effective management of learning organizations, reflected in self-learning, for the development of employees so that their skills and knowledge are constantly updated. Emphasized self-learning strategies - practical work, observation, communication and collaboration, reflection, reading - are preliminary guidelines for creating a suitable learning environment within the organization

    Development of the logistics and transport system of organic products as a perspective direction of Ukraine's environmental strategy

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    The state of development of the organic market in Ukraine is analyzed. Shown that organic agriculture is currently positioned in the country as one of the key direction to increase the level of environmental friendliness, economic feasibility in agriculture and is a progressive way to improve the balance between environmental and economic factors of society. The dynamics of changes in the number of organic farms and the area of their agricultural lands is considered. The analysis of the development of the Ukrainian domestic market of consumption of organic products is carried out, and also the dynamics of import of certified organic products from Ukraine to the EU is investigated. Relevance of the issue of logistics by road and rail is proved. The state and main problems of the transport infrastructure of Ukraine are considered. Emphasized that to improve the logistics needs strong institutions, effective coordination of state and government support at the highest level. The development of strategic directions for the improvement of the logistics and transport system is proposed in order to strengthen the competitive position of Ukrainian agricultural producers in the world market of organic products and intensify the integration of the state into the international economic space

    Modelowanie i zarządzanie efektami transferu dynamiki kursów wymiany na ceny przedsiębiorstw budowy maszyn na Ukrainie

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    The article is devoted to the assessment of the transfer of exchange rates to domestic prices for the products of machine-building enterprises in Ukraine. The study found that the main reason for transferring the dynamics of exchange rates on the prices for the products of machine-building enterprises of Ukraine is a change in production costs for raw materials, resources, and a change in exchange rates. As a model for assessing the degree of transfer of currency rates to the prices of engineering enterprises were chosen the autocorrelation method and the predictive ARIMA model. The ARIMA model allowed detected a time gap between the change in the exchange rate indices and the change in domestic prices for products of Ukrainian machine-building enterprises. It was proposed to take into account in the process of pricing a new factor of influence - "time factor", which takes place in the calculation of prices taking into account the effect of the transfer of exchange rate changes. It was proposed indicators of modified price elasticity coefficients for engineering products depending on the rate of change in exchange rates. The aim of the research is to develop a methodology for modelling and managing the effect of shifting the dynamics of the exchange rates on the prices of the enterprises of machine-building in Ukraine. The main factors that increase the dependence of domestic prices on products of machine-building enterprises from exchange rates are: liberalization of the economy and openness of the machine-building industry for foreign markets; dependence of the raw material and resource base on imported components; increase in the export of machine-building products; weak price differentiation of production of machine-building enterprises.Artykuł poświęcony jest ocenie transferu kursów walutowych na ceny krajowych produktów przedsiębiorstw budowy maszyn na Ukrainie. Badanie wykazało, że głównym powodem przeniesienia dynamiki kursów wymiany na ceny produktów przedsiębiorstw budowy maszyn na Ukrainie jest zmiana kosztów produkcji surowców, zasobów, zmiana kursów walut. Jako model do oceny stopnia transferu kursów walut do cen przedsiębiorstw inżynieryjnych wybrano metodę autokorelacji i predykcyjny model ARIMA. Model ARIMA pozwolił wykryć lukę czasową między zmianą wskaźników kursu walutowego a zmianą cen krajowych produktów ukraińskich przedsiębiorstw budowy maszyn. Zaproponowano uwzględnienie w procesie wyceny nowego czynnika wpływu - „czynnika czasu”, który ma miejsce przy obliczaniu cen z uwzględnieniem efektu przeniesienia zmian kursu walutowego. Zaproponowano wskaźniki zmodyfikowanych współczynników elastyczności cen dla produktów inżynieryjnych w zależności od tempa zmian kursów wymiany. Celem badań jest opracowanie metodologii modelowania i zarządzania efektem transferu dynamiki kursów walutowych na ceny przedsiębiorstw budowy maszyn na Ukrainie. Głównymi czynnikami zwiększającymi zależność cen krajowych od produktów przedsiębiorstw przemysłu maszynowego od kursów walutowych są: liberalizacja gospodarki i otwartość przemysłu budowy maszyn na rynki zagraniczne; zależność surowców i zasobów od importowanych komponentów; wzrost eksportu produktów do budowy maszyn; słabe zróżnicowanie cenowe produkcji przedsiębiorstw budowlanych